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Episode 68 - Dogs in divorce and Border Collies

Released Sat June 28, 2008
Length: 1:03:09
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Dogs and divorce

We Can't Stay Together for the Dogs

Divorce is affecting more and more couples, and consequently it is affecting more and more dogs.

Jennifer Keene is an experienced dog trainer who has been through a divorce involving dogs, and has put what she has learned to great use by writing the book We Can't Stay Together for the Dogs. This book is full of useful advice and practical suggestions to help anyone contemplating or going through divorce.

Splitting up can be an extremely stressful and difficult time, there are many pitfalls to get caught in, and of course it's a time when communication can be fraught. If there are dogs involved they can pick up on the tension surrounding them, they can be affected by the loss of part of their pack (be it human or canine) and they can have difficulty adjusting to new routines. Jennifer has help for anyone coping with any of these problems, and ways to make the process as pain free as possible.

To find out more visit Jennifer's website.

Border Collies

The Border Collie is a well known and loved breed, and Barbara Sykes is a well known and respected Border Collie expert.

Barbara was born surrounded by Border Collies, developed her own training techniques called TLC - Thinking Like Canines, and has competed at international level in the male dominated sheepdog trialling world. She has also trained dogs for television work, and has international clients seeking her behavioural advice.

Barbara has founded the Freedom of Spirit Trust for Border Collies which seeks among other things, to support existing Border Collie owners, educate the public about the breed, and find homes for Collies in need. In this interview Barbara's knowledge of and love for the breed that is her passion shines out.

To find out more about the trust visit their website.


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